2014-2015 REU Trainees
2013-2014 REU Trainees
2012-2013 REU Trainees
2011-2012 REU Trainees
2010-2011 REU Trainees
2014-2015 REU Trainees
Aguayo, Rafael
Email: raguayo@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Cintora, Patricia
Email: pattyzcintora@hotmail.com
SDSU; Lab:
Clark |
Cohn, Parker
Email: pcohn@ucsd.edu
University of San Diego; Lab:
de Sa |
Ellis, Terence
Email: tellis1491@gmail.com
SDSU; Lab:
Clark |
Kent, Emily
Email: erkent@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Chiba, Khalil, Minces |
Lee, Daeun
Email: dal048@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Chiba & Quinn |
Lee, Theresa
Email: ms.theresa.lee@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab:
Forster |
Lu, Jennifer
Email: j9lu@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Moghavem, Dara
Email: ddmoghav@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
de Sa |
Pendakur, Rachel
Email: rpendakur1992@pointloma.edu
Point Loma U; Lab:
Chiba, Khalil, Minces |
Ramos, Oscar
Email: oramos37@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab:
Chiba & Quinn |
Samano, Marlene
Email: msamano@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Chukoskie |
Saturday, Sarah
Email: saturday.sarah@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab:
Clark |
Schuster, Luisa
Email: luisa.schuster1986@gmail.com
SDCC; Lab: Chiba & Quinn |
Senzaki, Tenaya
Email: tenayasenzaki@yahoo.com
UCSD; Lab:
Deak |
Ulubabyan, Karlen
Email: kulubaby@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Behren/Sejnowski |
Yu, Shuying
Email: syy010@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Chukoskie |
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2013-2014 REU Trainees
Aguayo, Rafael
Email: raguayo@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Albrecht, Katherine
Email: albrecht.kate@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab:
Behrens |
Cioe, Charlotte
Email: crcioe@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab:
Chiba & Quinn |
Florian-Ospina, Diana
Email: carolina_1893@hotmail.com
Mesa/City; Lab: Clark |
Holt, Jesse
Email: j1holt@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Chiba & Quinn |
Lam, Cindy
Email: cklam@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Brown |
Lee, Daeun
Email: daeunjlee@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Chiba & Quinn |
Natsuhara, Amanda
Email: amanda.natsuhara@gmail.com
Miramar/City; Lab: Deák |
Peterson, Alexander
Email: abpeters@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: de Sa |
Ray, Nicholas
Email: nisbetterthana@att.net
Mesa; Lab: Cottrell
Saturday, Sarah
Email: ssaturda@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Clark |
Schuster, Luisa
Email: luisa.schuster1986@gmail.com
City; Lab: Chukoskie / Chiba
Straus, Arielle
Email: astraus@ucsd.edu
Mesa/City; Lab: Chiba / Khalil / Minces |
REU Affiliate Students:
Kent, Emily
Email: erkent@ucsd.edu
Youhanna, Diana
Email: dianayouhanna@yahoo.com
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2012-2013 REU Trainees
Althoff, Alric
Email: aalthoff@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: de Sa |
Bseiso, Dina
Email: dbseiso@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Cottrell |
Campos, Sofia
Email: svcampos@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Chiba |
D'Angelo, Sarah
Email: sdangelo@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Chukoskie / Sejnowski |
Dykstra, Karmen
Email: kldykstra@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Bartlett |
Florian-Ospina, Diana
Email: carolina_1893@hotmail.com
Mesa/City; Lab: Clark |
Hernandez, Claudia
Email: linx_mouse@yahoo.com
Miramar/City; Lab: Clark |
Kappe, Aaron
Email: akappe@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Sejnowski |
Lam, Cindy
Email: cklam@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab:
Chiba |
McQueen, Nicolas
Email: nicolas.mcqueen@gmail.com
Mesa/City; Lab: Deak? |
Metzler, Andy
Email: ametzler@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Sejnowski / Behrens |
Ray, Nicholas
Email: nisbetterthana@att.net
Mesa; Lab: Cottrell
Schuster, Luisa
Email: luisa.schuster1986@gmail.com
City; Lab: Chukoskie / Chiba
Stillerman, Benjamin
Email: bstiller@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: de Sa
Tonnesen, Alexandra
Email: alitonnesen@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Clark |
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2011-2012 REU Trainees
Avanzino, Julie
Email: jewelsavanzino@hotmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Deak |
Deriso, David
Email: dderiso@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Bartlett |
Dykstra, Karmen
Email: kldykstra@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Bartlett |
Ezeume, Adaeze (also 2011)
Email: adaezeezeume@yahoo.com
Chiba |
Hernandez, Claudia
Email: linx_mouse@yahoo.com
Lab: Clark |
Kappe, Aaron
Email: akappe@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Sejnowski |
Koa, Kirsten
Email: kirstenkoa@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: Lanckriet |
McHenry, Lauren
Email: lauren.mchenry@mac.com
UCSD; Lab: Chiba |
Morris, Charles
Email: c3morris@ucsd.edu
UCSD; Lab: Clark |
Pineros Schuster, Luisa
Email: luisa.schuster@sdcounty.ca.gov
Lab: Chiba |
Weiss, Eric
Email: eric.weiss.ucsd@gmail.com
UCSD; Lab: de Sa |
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2010-2011 REU Trainees
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